Lego Star Wars: Skywalker Saga – Alle Cheats

In our Guide to the Cheat Codes in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is experiencing:

  • How to encounter the codes in the game
  • All known cheats for characters and spaceships

Trophy Hunters find all successes of Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga in the linked guide.

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How can I cheat in Lego Star Wars: Activate Skywalker Saga?

To cheat in Lego Star: to activate the Skywalker saga, you have to load your score and then call the pause menu. The penultimate menu item at the bottom right is called "Enter code" . Click on it and a on-screen keyboard that you can use to enter the codes.

You do not have to confirm the codes. As soon as you have entered a cheat , a message appears that you have unlocked the corresponding character or the appropriate spaceship.

All character cheats

In the following, we tell you all codes with which your additional characters in Lego Star Wars: the Skywalker Saga unlocks , including Darth Vader in the Christmas sweater or Großmoff Tarkin.

Cheat Character
XV4WND9 Admiral Holdo
KH7P320 Aayla Secura
C3Phoho C-3PO (life day)
Wookiee Chewbacca (life day)
Tipyips D-O (life day)
Wroshyr Darth Vader (life day)
OKV7TLR Dengar
Lifeday Gonk droid (life day)
Sidious The imperator
WBFE4GO Nute Gunray
Kordoku Poe (life day)
Z55T8CQ Poggle of the lower
GR2VBXF Ratts Tyerell
Skysaga Temmin Wexley
3FCPPVX Tarkin

All spaceship cheats

So far, there are only two codes that unlock new spaceships in the game :

Cheat Spaceship
Arvala7 The Razor Crest
Shuttle I-TS transporter of resistance

Other helpful guides on Star :

LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga How To Unlock Cheat Codes (With All Available Codes!) * Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga - Trophies & Achievements * The best Lego games: Star Wars, Marvel, Harry Potter and more

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