Quand Star Wars: Squadrons sort
Star Wars : Squadrons is the next ship ship combat that unfolds in the guerres of stars. Dog combat battles will include five-to-five games where rebellion drivers will compete against the galactic empire in huge fleet battles. The game is developed by EA Motive Studios, who worked on star Wars Battlefront II and Mass Effect: Andromeda. With all speculations that revolve around the game, when will you get your hand on it? The release of the game was confirmed on October 2nd. Guests can play on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC via Steam and Origin. This game supports the crossed game, you will not have to worry about how to connect or fight your friends who also have the game. You can pre-order the game now for $ 39.99. It should be the same price on all platforms. Star Wars: Squadrons will take place after star wars: The return of the Jedi , where the Galactic Empire has seen the loss of the second star of death, with Dark Vador and the Emperor Palpatine. All players will be able