The creators of Pubg demand the FREE Fire by Plagio: Apple and Google at the point of sight

Grafton , Study responsible for the famous Player Unknown's Battleground, goes to war against Chinese studios Arena. The motives? Two games that ensure are an exact copy of PUBG. Calls Free Fire and Free Fire Max , you can download free (with purchases within the game) and have been very successful in China. On January 10, Grafton published a report that indicated that the company was taking legal action.

However, Arena is not the only goal of the IRA of PUBG developers. Apple and Google are also at your point of sight, as they have the games in question in your store. Grafton also criticizes Google for having published on YouTube videos of Free Fire and Free Fire Max Games, as well as an numerous publications that contain a Chinese feature film that is nothing more than a direct adaptation of Battlegrounds.

similarities between Free Fire and PUBG

In his report, Grafton Company said: Free Fire and Free Fire Max copies many aspects of Battlegrounds, individually and in combination, including the unique starting feature of 'Aerial release' game of Battlegrounds, which is protected by law. Author, the structure and flow of the game, the combination and selection of weapons, armor and unique elements, the locations and the general choice of color schemes, materials and textures. To this have joined the file several assemblies comparing the similarities between the games.

The two Games so far have been very profitable for the company. While the data is different According to analysts, purchases profits in the Free Fire Game would be dangerously approaching those generated by PUBG.

PUBG Although Grafton is working in a sequel to PUBG, it is important that the company maintains its identity and thus avoid confusions with other games. Be, owner of the Arena business, told The Vise that Grafton's complaint is unfounded, but did not comment about it.

We will see what is happening with the case, that the issue of plagiarism is at its high point lately. If even in MGG they do not stop copying items!


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