Pubg: Krafton google drags and Apple in court for closing her eyes on moving clones of her game

Grafton whistles the end of the recess. The development of PUBG has decided to appeal to justice to put an end to the dissemination of clones of its battle royale mobile. In his viewfinder, the studio of Singapore Arena, who hides behind one of these titles, but also Google and Apple, who would have left do despite Grafton warnings.

The legal documents relayed by TechCrunch and Euro gamer mention a deliberate and out of control of copyright and stipulate that the Korean will seek financial compensation from the target companies.

Arena is at the origin of the series of titles FREE FIRE , qualified by Grafton of Clones Pirates of Battlegrounds barely makeup and whose first component had already been the subject of legal action. The well named Free Fire: Battlegrounds thus arrived at mobile shortly after the release of PUBG in 2017, and an agreement had been found between the two parties as a result of this dispute, in Singapore. Nothing authorized however Arena to continue to market his license, and even less to make a new episode. However, this is what the studio has done with Free Fire Max and what has finally brought Grafton to seize the US courts.

The company explains that Arena won hundreds of millions of dollars by abruptly copying multiple elements and mechanics of its flagship game, but it goes further. As we said in introduction, the digital giants are Apple and Google are also part of Grafton's stakeholders. The Korean publisher explains that neither has withdrawn the games from her online shop, as they would have been asked for last December, adding that both had largely taken their share of sales of These titles via their respective committee systems. Grafton also targets YouTube — and therefore Google again — for letting appear videos of the games Free Fire .

Grafton considers it the right to claim the profits generated by the sale of these clones, in proportions which will be demonstrated during the trial. It is however possible that this conflict is settled well before, behind closed doors and with a checkbook under hand.

To read also | PUBG passes Free to Play everywhere from January 12 To read also | Brendan Greene, the Creator of PUBG, is no longer part of Grafton


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