Quantic Dream allegedly works on Star Wars

Quantic Dream allegedly dedicated not only to the war of the stars, but also get gameplay-lasticous paths.

Is Star Wars: the Old Republic Worth Playing in 2021? (Level 1 to Endgame) #swtor #swtorgameplay Last week, the rumor has emerged that Quantic Dream, known for the Games Heavy Rain and Detroit: Become Human, work on a title in the Star Wars universe. The French Youtuber and Streamer Gautoz was the first to scatter this into the world. Yesterday, the colleagues of dual stools have studied and written to have spoken with a person, according to the Quantic Dream for about 18 months on a Star Wars game work. Shortly thereafter, Kotaku has published an article in which it means that one has also heard from another source that this project really exist.

Kotaku confirms the one-year-old development period, which also reports dual stools. In addition, the colleagues have already wanted to find out what content. So it should not be a typical Quantic Dream game, which is very shaped by Quick Time Events. Instead, there should be traditional action gameplay rather and maybe even open-world and multiplayer elements.

An official opinion of Quantic Dream is - not surprising - not. However, since it is reported by several places about the project, it can be assumed that something is on the matter, even if you should enjoy the whole thing with caution.

The fact that the French could deviate from the path that they have been shaking since Fahrenheit of 2005 would be surprising for one or the other, but we need to hold that Quantic Dream has not always been such interactive films as they like to be called à la Heavy Rain has done. The first work The Nomad Soul of 1999 has an open game world and fighting. And maybe David Cage and his team have no desire for the simple adventures of recent years, but want to make more complex again. Let us be surprised.

Wert: Gautoz / DualShockers / Kotaku


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