The remake of the knights of the old republic could have problems with Malak

With a Star Wars: Knights of the old Republic Refiring almost confirmed, it remains to be seen how rumored that ASPYR developers will handle the antagonist. Even though the Star Wars franchise is home to one of the most iconic villains in the history of cinema, it is difficult to say that Darth Vader actually seems intimidating, although he sounds. All the franchise actually has a problem with its villains who do not give too much fear, but this is understandable given that Star Wars is marketed mainly for children and still has a strength strangulation in the toy market.

Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic Rumors Are CRAZY - Console Ports Inbound, New Teases, & MORE!

This problem has even infiltrated many videogames from the franchise, such as Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. This BioWare 2003 role play is often included in the lists of the best video games of all time, much less in one of the best Star Wars games. In it, the player may experience an era of the completely new universe never before seen in the movies and really define what kind of person wants to interpret. The player can choose to use a light saber of any color, and even join the dark side and take a powerful ray of strength. However, the main antagonist of the game, Darth Malak, can be a tonal challenge for Remake. Darth Malak was intimidating in the original due to the mysterious tone of the new universe of the old republic. Now that the old Republic has been ...


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