Star Wars Jedi: Falling Order - Complete trophies listed

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is an action-adventure game established by Respawn Entertainment and published by Digital Arts. It was released for Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in November 2019, for Stadia in November 2020, as well as for the PlayStation 5 and also Xbox Series X and also Series S in June 2021. The tale, established in the Star Wars cosmos five years after Star Wars: Episode III-- Vengeance of the Sith, complies with Jedi Padawan Cal Kestis, who ends up being a target of the Galactic Realm and also is pursued throughout the galaxy by two Inquisitors while attempting to complete his training, escape his struggling past, as well as rebuild the dropped Jedi Order. The video game was introduced during E3 2018, with an extra in-depth reveal during the Star Wars Celebration in April 2019. The game got normally positive evaluations from doubters and also offered more than ten million duplicates by the end of March 2020.

Spoiler alarm.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen order EA and Respawn Entertainment came out in less than a week and because of the fact that it is a single player title, very careful with what they show to avoid spoilers. Nevertheless, it seems that spoilers are leaked shortly before the start of the game anyway.

The entire list of trophies and their descriptions has been published at PSN Profiles. In view of the corruption of some of the trophy descriptions, we will not list them here or talk about it, but it is clear that there are many secrets, easter eggs and callbacks rieg the Stars fans will appreciate it. In total there are 40 trophies - 1 platinum (natural), 3 gold, 11 silver and the remaining 25 bronze. You can retrieve the full trophies list above the above link, but there are also a lot of spoilers. So you should make it clear, especially given the fact that the publication of the game is over anyway.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen order appears on 15 November for PS4, Xbox One and PC. Take a look at the trailer here.

Tagged with: EA, PC, PS4, ResPawn Entertainment, Star Wars: Jedi Falling Order, Xbox One


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