Star Wars Jedi: Fall Order Guide - All places for stimulation canisters, secrets and chests

Star Wars: The Old Republic - Player Guides (Beginner) - Movement & Targeting

The survival after the order is not easy for a Jedi. Here are some collectibles and items that should help.

Although not nearly as difficult as dunkle souls, bloodborn or Sekiro: Shadow die twice, Respawn Entertainment's star Wars Jedi: Fallen order is not a walk in the park. Early early you have a limited amount of health and stims, which makes the survival a bit more difficult. While the discovery of life-eating and the investment of skill points in the survival tree improve the general health of CAL, there is another way to find more stimulation canisters.

These are essentially healthy charges that will dispel BD-1 during the fight. The more stimulation canisters are found, the more boosts you will receive. However, you have to explore a bit of the different planets. Take a look at the trophygamers video instructions to determine the exact position of each canister.

Also check out the video instructions from Gaming With Abyss to find all scans and essences on every planet. As mentioned above, living conditions can increase their overall health, but they can also find force essences to increase the force display. Finding scans is also important as this additional EP for the level-up supply.

More tips and tricks to Star Wars Jedi: Fall Order can be found in our practical instructions here.

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