Bande-Annonce of the Skywalker saga gamescom
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga has just received its first trailer for more than a year at Gamescom, and it looks amazing. With a widely redesigned game system, the game will offer an open world, a target and maybe even a combat system.
First of all, the trailer highlights some Boss battles. The focus seems to be put on the fight at the laser sword: the duel of Obi-Wan and who-Gon Jinn with Dark Maul, the duel of Obi-Wan and Anakin with Count DOOKU, and the duel of Obiwan on Mustafar with Anakin. It is hoped that by focusing on the laser sword combat in the trailer, the boss fights will pass from scripted events and somewhat simple fights to duel mechanisms.
In addition, the shooting system is explored more. It seems that the majority of blaster fights will include normal third party fire. This should be a step forward compared to turning based solely on LEGO STAR WARS coverage: The Force Awakens, where you would have to stay still while shooting. In addition, there will be a breakable cover for you and your enemies behind which you hide.
The open world system seems to meet the expectations of the Star Wars Franchise Scale. You can travel from planets such as Utapau and Bespin to some of the following planets like Qar and Kijimi. In addition, there seems to be mysterious planets not yet revealed by the trailer - perhaps the television show clone wars.
The fans of the original game will be delighted to know that the humor of the Lego brand is always intact, even if there will be dubbings. In terms of minor improvements in the gameplay, you can equip jetpacks and take on Parkour's challenges to get reward bricks. The game will be released next year in the spring - so, taking a reasonable estimate, the game may be released May 4.
What do you think of the latest updates to the new Lego Star Wars game? Let us know in the comments, or contact us on Twitter or Facebook.
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